Please click on the link below to view the latest Newsletter from The Parachute Regimental Association…
- Posted on 31 Jan 2025
- 04 min read
This just in From Tommy Simpson, re the Airborne Statue.
The PRA organising committee for the unveiling of the Airborne Soldier met today at Montgomery House Aldershot.
After discussions with Aspire, the company that has responsibility for MOD estates it has been decided to change the location of the Airborne Statue.
With the help of the Garrison Commander, RSM and with Lt Col (retd) Stuart Hepton and local Councillors we have changed the venue to Princes Gardens Aldershot .
Princes Gardens lies opposite Princes Hall, the site of the saluting stand for the Falklands anniversary March past.
This means that the Airborne Soldier will now not be on Military land, but on land belonging to the Town of Aldershot & Rushmoor Borough Council.
It will enjoy a prominence it would not have had.
It will be there for all to see, locals, Military & visitors to the Town.
The Airborne Soldier
Standing on a base of Falkland Island stone..
A gift from the people & Government of the Falkland Islands….
In recognition of 50 years partnership by the Parachute Regiment & Airborne Forces with the Town & People of Aldershot…
A new programme is being worked on by the committee & Final details are being tied in with Rushmoor Council …
This may take a few weeks to complete, but a full programme will be published as soon as is humanly possible …
So to conclude & to quash any rumours,To put everybody’s mind at rest.
The Airborne Soldier unveiling is on 6 July 2019…..
No change!!!
The venue is Princes Gardens Aldershot….
There will be a March past with the 4 Battalion Colours on parade.
PRA branch banners will all be on parade.
The Para Regt Band will be on Parade.
Old comrades will be on parade….
The Airborne Riders Club will be taking part…
There will be a Drumhead service…..
The statue will be unveiled …
By a soldier who joined in the 1950’s
A C47 Dakota will make an appearance…
The Fred’s might be making an appearance…
Beer tents will be open…..
Timings……to follow….
But as a guide…..
1030….will give you plenty of time to take part/see it all!
This is going to be the biggest Airborne Gathering for years!
The Airborne Soldier Statue in clay form is in the last couple of weeks of completion….
The committee will be making a visit before the Foundry start their part. Kev Capon & his team are filming every stage of production. Some of his videos have already been released on here & they will continue to do so.
Thank you everybody…..
Please click on the link below to view the latest Newsletter from The Parachute Regimental Association…
Ladies and Gentlemen, Please find attached the Record of Decisions (RODs) of the Executive Committee meeting…
Please click on the link below to view the latest Newsletter from The Parachute Regimental Association…
Please click on the link below to view the latest Newsletter from The Parachute Regimental Association…